Saturday, August 20, 2011

Pre-Race Preparation

I laid out my clothes. I charged my trinkets. I set my alarms and I wrote out everything I was worried about. I went to sleep and felt good. Until...

A. I had a bizarre dream that I was fighting with Dan Patrick. You know, the guy from Sportcenter that would break out the Boo-yas, En Fuegos, and the Wiff. I listen to his radio show everyday and plan on listening to it during the run. So is this my mind struggling with the race? Who knows. Quite weird.

B. Then I get back to sleep for about a half an hour. A very light sleep might I add. All of a sudden my 18 month old son starts to stand up in his crib and cry at 4 am. And he does. not. stop. My wife got up and gave him a bottle and read to him as I tried to sleep. No luck. He continues to cry. We decide to let him and he wails for 20 minutes. I finally get him out of bed and he isn't upset, he isn't hungry, he doesn't want his bottle, HE IS AWAKE FOR THE DAY.

Our son has slept through the night since he was 3 months old. Put him down at 8 and he will get up at 7 on the dot. Now I am up and writing this post as he plays with trains, makes mooing sounds, and generally runs around the house playing with door knobs like he always does.

Where was Connor on that episode of Seinfeld when they needed to be woken up for the Marathon?

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