Saturday, March 10, 2012

All Work And No Play Makes Brent A Dull Boy

Living in Wisconsin can make you a bit crazy in the winter. It is about half of the year after all. When cabin fever strikes, we find all kinds of dumb reasons to go outside. My wife even attended the Wisconsin vs. Michigan outdoor hockey game while 9 months pregnant (Wisconsin won and she gave birth 3 days later). To celebrate his birthday, every year we drive 4 hours north to a stones throw from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. But this is no ordinary Birthday party, it's an outdoors birthday party.

Every year we head out to the sledding hill, start a fire, and spend some quality time with the family. This year has been such a mild winter in Wisconsin we weren't even sure we'd have snow on the ground to sled in the first place. Luckily we got a couple inches on our way up. We hit the sledding hill and it was a brisk 14 degrees out.

My son is a daredevil at heart. He loves all things fast, high, and dangerous. He giggles with joy when the wind and snow whip against his face. We had to take turns because his desire for speed was greater than our ability to drag him up the hill.

A funny thing happens when you have an outdoor party in the middle of winter, everything freezes. I made the mistake of grabbing a carrot with my glove and biting into it. It was frozen solid from the hour it spent sitting outside in the 14 degree weather. Ice started to form on the tomatoes.

My wife's cousin even got to hang out with me. Lucky guy.

1 comment:

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